what we do
The following is a list of professional services offered by Deborah Vietri Educational Consulting services Facilitation of Professional Development sessions for groups of schools, systems, clusters or collectives: PD days or sessions can be organised and tailored to groups by arrangement.
In-school services:
Full or part day Professional Development sessions
Staff Meetings orProfessional Learning Team Meetings
Leadership Team meetings
Programming and planning with teachers and teams
Mentoring sessions
Learning Walks and feedback
Support in whole school curriculum mapping and planning Other services on request. (Please contact us to discuss any further areas we can assist you with).
Professional Development programs and Clusters:
Organisation and facilitation of Cluster Programs where schools and teachers with common interests come together regularly to learn with and from each other.
Clusters for 2019
Discovery 19 Cluster: for teachers and leaders of Foundation-Year 2. The purpose of the Discovery Cluster is: To engage in Professional Learning with and from each other in order to explore best practice, design powerful learning, and empower our Early Years Students to become highly capable learners.
Makeknowdoact Cluster: for teachers and leaders of Years 3-6. The purpose of the Makeknowdoact Cluster is: To engage in Professional Learning with and from each other in order to explore effective ways of using student-initiated inquiry to; develop learner capabilities, unleash curiosity and creativity, and deepen student thinking.